Thursday, 11 July 2013

Seasonal people, Lifetime expectations

Many times it’s easier to wish for the good old days, the days when happiness came as easily as breathing. The good old days when all made sense, when everything was clear. The good old days when we were sure of our next move when we were certain that things will always work out. The days when we walk down memory lane all we see is beautiful smiles and wonderful people and the many friends we had. 

I have met enough in my life. I have friends who’ve been with me through thick and thin. I’ve met people who’ve inspired me to become a better person. Who’ve brought out the best in me. I’ve met others who’ve made me reveal a side of me I wish to forever keep locked. In high school I have met people who are still friends till today.  In campus it was a whole new ball game and I’ll forever cherish the friendships I’ve made.

Once a friend of mine asked me if my friends were truly friends or were they just convenience friends. Would they still be there once we finished school? Or when we finally walked to that podium for graduation that would also be our last real time together. And that disturbed me for quite a while. I mean I didn’t want a friendship that was just convenient for us just because we were schoolmates, classmates or even roommates. I wanted to believe that it would stand the test of time and that we would still be as close as we were. Unfortunately true to his word, some of my friendships were just convenient friendships. And no one is to blame. It just runs its course.

Am the kind of person who wants to hold on to every moment. To hold on to the friendships, the crazy times we shared in the past. I hated goodbyes and many of the times I tried to hold on for as long as I could. I used to wonder what was the point of making friendships if we were only going to say goodbye at some point. And many times in the past I wanted to relieve my past. I mean, life was easier back then and everything was easy. But I’ve come to learn that sometimes even the best of things eventually come to an end. And indeed life does go on and though we may try to hold on to some people forever, some of their paths are just different from ours. Their roads are leading to a whole different destination. 

 We may not have them forever but we can be sure that the happy memories will last a life time. Having crazy fun while we still can, being there for each other when it matters the most. So yeah, I will enjoy our time together and make it count as possibly as I can, because those memories will keep me going as they remind me of the good old days. I’ve come to understand that life is just unfolding as it should. As I heard somewhere in a movie, the past is called the past for a reason. Why should you try to relive a moment in your life you’ve already experienced? Go places you’ve already been. Life is about discovery. And eventually everybody moves on and that’s not such a bad thing though.

Someone very wise once said, people come and go. Some people are meant to last for a season, while others are meant to last a lifetime. We get hurt or disappointed when we mix seasonal people with lifetime expectations. To those who are still part of my life, I hope and pray that you’ll be here for the long whole. But if God so wills and our paths in life have to part ways, I won’t be saddened, I’ll cherish the moments we’ve spent together, treasure our memories and carry with me the valuable lessons you’d have taught me. It’s a beautiful world and there’s a lot to discover and no matter the distances or whatever may happen, I know, that we’ll still always be friends.
"Cherish and appreciate the few true friends you have, they are the flowers in the garden of our lives"


  1. the past is called the past for a reason.
    Why should you try to relive a moment in your life you’ve already experienced?
    Go places you’ve already been.
    Life is about discovery.
    And eventually everybody moves on and that’s not such a bad thing though.

  2. finalyy!!!!!!!
    I remember when we cleared high school, passy said during a sermon " if you can count your friends (true friends) on one hand you are a very lucky person" I was like please i can count them on both my hands and the my feet as well.... almost a decade later and I realise how true that statement is, and the piece echos that statement.
